Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Menu Planning Tuesday Night... Update!

Update: Of course we've mixed-and-matched our stuff on hand (we had a great pasta bar for lunch today!), so here's what's left:
corn on the cob
tomato hand pies
cheesy grits

trucker's wife is working on low-mileage paycheck this week, so we're going for highest mileage out of what's on hand!

in the fridge: half an onion, tomatoes, cukes, red pepper, orange pepper, celery, lettuce, few carrots. spaghetti sauce, chicken broth, applesauce, pie crust. lots of leftover chicken manwich.

from the store: nice meaty mushrooms & corn on the cob! cottage cheese. barley, garbanzo beans, grits!

Draining the yogurt; took enough out to try making it in the crockpot! the cheesecloth is working nicely; much better than coffee filter. maybe because it's organic w/out all the pectin carrageenan gelatin junk?

Tues: Lunch salad, Dinner barbie cups: muffin tin, ancient dinner rolls from freezer, leftover taco meat, cheese. Cottage cheese, watermelon. **kid liked. most of the rolls actually rose LOL but will be better w/ biscuits next time.
Weds: Lunch Edamammus tuna salad. Dinner spaghetti. **Daddy was worried about his sauce but it was fine.
Thurs: IBC. Lunch Pasta, veggies, tahini-yogurt sauce. (think i'll grill mushrooms, onions, peppers. maybe carrots. will use zuch if done. sub lime & top w/ parm.. do i really need the tahini??), dinner cheesy grits
Fri: Lunch quesadillas, dinner Chili Mac with leftover grilled veggies!!
Sat: IBC. maybe Ash-e-jow. roasted corn? grilled corn?
Sun: IBC. bug fest. Lunch Tomato Hand Pies. Dinner grits fries!!

To Make: Rice Krispy Treats with all the melted-from-being-too-close-to-the-campfire marshmallows :D

To Get:
tomato paste
black olives
cereal if brady's with us
skippy from meijer
purex from marsh tomorrow!!!!

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